Because politicians in general are so full of it... |
Popular, humorous, satirical and epic contents. Memes, quotes, jokes, images
and animations. Manipulated and quoted out of context, just like in the real media.
Take a short break from the daily treadmill with a twisted interpretation of
the crazy world we live in. I'll update as long as madness persist...
animated gif
ba dum tsss
bitch please
dafuq did i just read meme
déjà vu
donald trump meme
dr. strangelove
funny facial expressions
funny names
funny street names
I see what you did there
le WTF français
make america great again
meanwhile in France
meanwhile in Poland
Monty Python
old guy
Pendant ce temps en France
political satire
rage comic
Rue de Bitche
sheila dikshit
slim pickens
sound effect
that awkward moment meme
troll face meme
world's most interesting man meme
Yao Ming meme